How to Solve lengthy Aptitude Paper Quickly in Exams?
Banking exams are one of the most popular competitive recruitment exams among job seekers. Many banks in India conduct several exams every year for recruitment of candidates for various posts in their banks. Some banks recruit their personnel through common recruitment exams such as IBPS exams.
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Banking recruitment process involves an online or written examination. Most of candidates are eliminated at this stage of the recruitment process. Quantitative aptitude is one of the most responsible factors of the bank exams. In this article, we will discuss some tips to help students dealing with the aptitude section of banking exams.
How to solve Aptitude Paper in less time?
This is a million dollar question and the answer is worth billion dollars. Yet, I am sharing it here for free. Here is how to solve quant aptitude paper in less time
Do mental calculations: They save you time and increase your efficiency. Practice is needed for this. You must have basic tables remembered in your mind. You must be quick in calculation. Do not use pen and paper unless you actually need them. Do simple calculations in your brain
Know the concept: If you are familiar with the basic concept, you can solve any question from the topic. All questions from a certain topic are based on the very same concept. So, do focus on the concept and practice different kinds of questions to gain expertise
Test yourself: Online tests may be harder than the written tests. Practice very often and with online tools as far as possible. Search for online aptitude questions and answers and test yourself whenever you get time. Practice will make you perfect
Time management: Work on your time management skills. Practice is good, but you should know which part is more important than others and when to quit a certain question. Make sure you do not give a question more time than what it deserves
Stick to the plan: make a plan for the aptitude section of the paper and solve accordingly. Work easy questions first and consume less time in each question. Leave the chapter when the clock ticks. Come back if you have time at the end of the test
Stay calm: Stay cool while solving the exam paper. Do not let the paper overcome your mind. It is just a paper and you can do good only if you are in self-control.