UP Police Constable (Main Exam) Result 2014 Declared

Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB) Lucknow has declared the constable main written exam marks and results on its official website on 14 January, 2015.

UP Police Constable Result 2014


UPPRPB conducted the mains written exam as the final step for recruitment of Constable (Aarakshi aur Samkaksh) on 14th December 2014 at 20 different centers ( (Lucknow, Varanasi, Saharanpur, Gonda, Gorakhpur, Faizabad, Jhansi, Kanpur, Ghaziabad, Basti, Ajamgarh, Mirzapur, Bareilly, Gautam, Buddha Nagar, Agra, Aligarh, Muradabad, Allahabad, Banda and Meerut) in the state. The board has now declared the exam result

Constable recruitment process involved following steps

  1. Pre Exam
  2. Physical Test
  3. Main Written Exam

There is no personal interview for this recruitment. Candidates, who successfully passed through the first and second step of the recruitment, were called for main exam on 14th December 2014. Now, the board has declared the results for main exam, which can be checked as below

  1. Go to the official website uppbpb.gov.in
  2. Open the result link or page given on the homepage
  3. Enter your roll number and DOB on the result page.
  4. Click on Submit button
  5. Check your UP Police main exam result and save a copy or take a printout of the result

Click here for more details and to check your result online


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